Current Schedule

Donation-based yoga ($10-20 suggested – cash, Venmo or PayPal).
PRIVATE CLASSES also available by appointment.

WEEKLY WINTER SCHEDULE (no classes Jan 24-Feb 4)


10:00-11:00 AM Yoga Hike at Veronica Valley County Park in Lake Leelanau


7:45-8:45 AM Men’s Gentle Yoga online (Registration required)

10:00-11:00 AM Community Yoga at River Studio in Leland or online (Sign up for studio class here or contact us for online option)


FRI Dec. 13th – 2 PM Yoga Hike @ Sleeping Bear Dunes (Contact to sign up)

SAT Jan. 11 – Winter Open House at Bahle Park Warming Hut in Suttons Bay:

  • 10-11 AM Gentle Yoga + Sound Bath Meditation
  • 11-11:30 AM Mindful Forest Walk
  • 2-3 PM Gentle Yoga + Sound Bath Meditation
  • Drawings for YOTB swag: 11 AM, 1 PM + 3 PM
  • Stop by anytime 10-4 for fireside refreshments and sledding!

SAT Feb. 15 – 11 AM Yoga Hike @ Sleeping Bear Dunes (Contact to sign up)

All classes and hikes at the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore require a park pass.

What’s a YOGA HIKE?

Yoga Hikes are a fun way to explore local hiking trails with other nature and yoga enthusiasts. For each adventure we will hike to a scenic spot along the trail where we will pause for about a 20 minute practice of standing yoga poses, then walk back to the trailhead. Hikes at Sleeping Bear Dunes will vary in length but plan on about 1.5 – 2 hours. No yoga mat required but please dress for the weather with sturdy footwear that has some traction and bring drinking water.